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Aleccia Rosewater

A member registered Jul 26, 2017

Recent community posts

Your guide says that the campfires are supposed to heal you. How do I get them to work

Apparently I can only download a 412kb .png file. I assume you uploaded the wrong thing?

Typos, typos, typos! I suppose that given the time constraints of contest game design something had to give

" it (the dream realm) is filled with many dangerous places created from the...
darker dreams of mankind..."  As a full explanation for every single danger in the dream realm this actually works pretty well.  You should have this as a central theme and even connect some of the random dream places to specific organizations or individuals within this setting~

more Lucia plz

Use Polaroid Camera on Former Fridge

"What? That wouldn't make any sense at all."
Use Polaroid Camera on Nitrowave
"You shouldn't put that in the Nitrowave".

Erm, game? The current standard for this is to say something silly to indicate that this is not anywhere near the solution. People generally "use" cameras with other things to take a picture of them. They also occasionally use batteries or spare film on the camera to keep it working.  Alternatively this could be seen as "use piece of tech on unrelated piece of tech".

A more childish character would likely actually take a picture or each and every thing. A genius like Quidget would probably instead talk about the appliance itself.

Could you double-check the downloads? is only giving me the .exe and not the data folder